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Wholelife Estate Planning©  & Mediation

Comprehensive service for planning & care needs : start with an Advance Care Plan and create a whole Life Care Plan to make a Will, Health & Finance Power of Attorney, Living Will.   Five core planning services to include Inheritance Tax planning with unique Mediation service to facilitate agreement.  Mediate for contentious probate and all issues surrounding Wills

What would you like to know?

Wills, LPAs, Healthcare, Trusts, Disputes & Mediation questions


Low Cost £99 Service
Unhappy Beneficiary


Spread the Costs Service

Things often dont come at the right time.  Consider spreading costs over 3 or 6 months


Life Support Service


Support from the moment your loved one has passed.  We work with you to help with all the practicalities that can sometimes be very stressful to manage

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The most common objection to considering a Will and planning is "I dont want to have to think about my death".   We say, it is not about focussing on your demise.  Who wants to do that?  Planning enables you to live your best life to the full".


These are often difficult subjects that are sometimes being addressed at difficult times.  You want someone fully invested in giving you the support and care you need from the start through to the end, to achieve your desired outcomes.  Our extensive experience will provide this.

Why pair inheritance planning with Mediation? 

Often a Will is not made because there are complexities and difficulties that are too difficult to address.  The problem then multiplies after a death where there was no Will or an inadequate one or one that is being challenged.  There has been no service to address this gap that also includes the aim of preventing dispute and possible court proceedings now or later.  This unique combination service aims to change that.  See our About us section on the menu for more.


Here is an important point when agreeing to mediate : Whichever side approaches us first DOES NOT get favour.  The point of a mediator is neutrality and impartiality.  The confidentiality of the mediation remains whoever referred or asked for it.  Bills are paid by both parties (unless agreed otherwise such as an employer or family).  The invited second participant has complete equality, gets a voice and gets heard.  If there is an instigator there is no imbalance of power.  The only aim is to achieve agreed resolutions for both participants.  Both parties retain full control.  

Unique "Request to Mediate" Service


Have you been asked by another if you will mediate?  Are you unsure about neutrality and the process?   Are you reluctant to use their mediator?  Call us and we will explain the process as a free service.  You may also ask us to co-mediate.  Read this article on whether you can refuse mediation.

Please also note that Tipi Wills & Mediation is inclusive.  Modern society has developed considerably and continues to evolve.  This is recognised by us.  Whoever you are and in whatever situation, we will endeavour to provide our best service to you.


Tipi Wills & Mediation have developed a unique, updated service to Estate and Succession Planning which includes Mediation if needed.  We believe there was and is a large hole in the will making service and planning that does not fill the real needs of people trying to plan for modern, complex lives.  They often do not succeed and/or have to go through a lot of stress due to a lack of rounded support and advice, to get them to where they would like to be.  This leaves families fractured, court proceedings, arguments and stress.  Sometimes there is no Will because people could not find a way to get the Will they wanted without messy consequences.  Difficult decisions and plans extend way beyond just making a Will and again, rounded advice and support is needed.


So, in addition to advising on any matters surrounding a Will and inheritance, we have five core in-depth planning services that reflect modern individuals and families in our fast changing society.  These services may intersect to reflect your particular mixture of unique needs.  Tipi Wills & Mediation also work in, where needed, with experts to provide probate, lifetime trusts, professional executors, joint powers of attorney and have expert connections who can provide further tax planning and financial advice.  Our key focus is on one to one, face to face relationships including by zoom, that give you a fully professional and comprehensive service.


Research and experience has led to the development of























These five core plans derive from real life  experience in which a Will, and other documents, can help protect you, whether single, married, civil partnerships, with dependants, or for long term or later life planning.  Planning for change can start at any age and highlight that you can plan and leave detailed instructions regarding property or people, at any point in your life, giving you peace of mind. 


Your Will may be part of your planning.  It is not a one off document that you leave as late as possible in your life.  It should be with you throughout your life. You may need to update it once or many times. Creating a Will forms a living planning document that becomes a fluid reflection of changing needs throughout your life.  It must stay up to date. 


It is rare a plan made during a snapshot of your life can continue to fit you for the rest of your days.


Immense changes in the law now aid a more modern society and thus support the making of better Wills for unmarried couples (no such thing as common law marriages) children of the unmarried, foster children, dependants, rights for same sex couples also with children, remarriages and blended families and multi-cultural families.  There are constant updates to a large number of long standing relevant Acts and new Acts that affect and support such things as civil partnerships, mental health & capacity, illegitimacy, trusts and trustees, taxation, even changes allowing signing of Wills in pandemics, to mention just a few which all overlap and affect you as an individual.  So use that to take control and make your Will.



The modern will is a fluid reflection of the life you are living.  The services on offer to you should adapt accordingly.

Taxation is vexing, with its complex tightening around inheritance, income, business and trusts. It puts a greater strain on the individual.  Careful planning can be a great support especially when multi disciplinary expertise is used and save a great deal of money.

Why use a Mediator?

The aim is to overcome barriers & conflict, to support individuals & groups to reach agreement.  In the context of Wills, these are often not made and issues not disucussed because it is too difficult to find a way to address the complex and sensitive issues within families.  Mediation can help you navigate the sensitive and emotional aspects of these difficulties in a safe, secure space that is confidential.  Mediation skills are very flexible so can be applied in a wide variety of situations.


Mediation can support each of our planning services as needed.  It can be fast and cost effective with a resolution at a known price within a known time frame.


Mediation can avoid or bring an end to: 

1  enormous cost of court;

2  heartache and stress;

3  the long time court action takes;


We are accredited in both Civil and Commercial Mediation as well as Interpersonal/Facilitative Mediation.  We can offer a wide ranging skill set.


Mediation can be used for any area requiring agreement and/or settlement, aiming to overcome hurdles & reach a conclusion.  In the context of Wills, Life Care, &  Inheritance Planning, it can help with decisions that need agreement such as :

- an obstacle that prevents agreement to move forward  

- issues surrounding the validity of a Will

- the Will being contested and/or claimed upon

- succession planning

- multigenerational living

- health care decisions

- living will and terminal illness decisions,

- health and financial power of attorney matters

- Right to stay and die at home considerations and more. 

- Wish to prevent relationship fractures & upset or legal


- Wish to avoid the burden of a decision falling on to one

  person so that joint agreement can be reached


Mediation can be used Before & After Wills:

​Before:  address the difficulties preventing you from making your Will or any other plans.  Not reaching agreement risks intestacy (no Will made)

​After:  where there are various issues challenging the validity of a Will following a bereavement or [unexpected] claims to a Will.  Facilitate agreement, addressing the unhappiness and conflict after the Will is effected. 

Also applies to unsatisfactory situations after someone dies without a Will.


Contested Wills are increasingly common from unhappy beneficiaries or those left out.  The law no longer accepts, without consideration, everything "going to the cats" although our testamentary freedom remains.


Unlike a Court it does not aim for a win/lose situation Mediation always works towards a win/win outcome.  Sometimes its the first time someone else's viewpoint has been heard.


Nothing raised can be used in court unless you expressly desire it, for example the resulting agreement.

Agreements can be reached that the court do not have the power to order or reach.  It is much more flexible.  The court system now encourages or expects it.  In fact in certain situations it is now mandatory.


Mediation can be free of lawyers and courts.  Whether its facilitative or transformative mediation, or where agreements and settlements are reached such as in civil or commercial mediation, the process allows your mediation to be as it needs.  Whichever form it takes, It guarantees everyone is heard with an equal voice. 


It is so flexible and successful, there are now a number of hybrid versions of mediation that may include your lawyers or professionals to the extent that lawyers may use a form of ADR within their own matters.


However, independent mediation's flexibilty remains and so does the confidentiality, neutrality and impartiality of an independent mediator.  Consider negotiating and settling a grievance or complaint, which might include avoiding looming court or settling a financial claim.


Essentially, your unique situation and particular conflict or barrier can usually be addressed. 

Please be aware, that no matter how hopeless it may seem, mediation still has a high chance of improving the situation and often provides the platform for ongoing resolution.  Its benefits can be far reaching. 


Our expertise in this area aims to move you forward.  Please call and see if we can help.


It has 85%  - 95% success.  Little else can claim that.


Is it ever OK to refuse mediation?


More about the Mediation process




  • 100% Online start to finish service​ available

  • Face to face appts in your home (by zoom )


1 Ensure you obtain free Continuing

   Health  Care where entitled

2 Recover Fees already paid


  • We work with Independent experts.  When working with us, you can bring in your own accountant or financial advisor or Probate expert if desired

  • Client Security with Protection and expertise through membership of The Society of Will Writers and The Society of Mediators

  • Fully accredited and insured

Be in control.  Be Certain

Trained by and Member of both Society of Wills Writers and Estate Planners & Society of  Mediators

Supports living your best life
Life Care Planning with trio of  services to support your welfare needs

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