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What if something should happen to me?

This indeed is the question we need to ask ourselves if we have property and/or family.  Consider the planning you may need and use our network of expert advisors..  We guide you through this.  If you own property, and/or have children, parents or family members you must consider planning whilst your are healthy and have the means. Discuss your concerns knowing you will have  sensitive, knowledgeable and practical support. 


Please look at our Advance Care Plan and Life Care Plan.  A complete low cost care package for your healthcare wishes.  Legal documents can be put together with all the important information so it is centralised and accessible.  We provide you with a sectioned folder to keep important information.  Where you would want to be directing your time if something happens?  Put the planning in place to focus on living your best life.  If end of life care is being considered we work with you on how that would be carried out?  Are there are situations you would want to refuse life sustaining treatment?  Do you, or do you not, have religious wishes?  Do you need to appoint guardians, attornies, executors?  In fact a wide variety of things may need to be considered when putting in place instructions and protections.  We guide and support you through to completion.


The documents you may consider are: 

a)  your Will, 

b)  Document of Decisions from the Life Care Plan/Right to Die at Home Planning,

c)  Letter of Wishes eg with funeral wishes and specific inheritance instructions

d)  Living Will to instruct on when you would refuse life sustaining treatment 

e)  Lasting Powers of Attorney when you wish for another to act on your behalf.  You can use this planning to consider organising funds, who has access to funds, choose who does what (and what your restrictions and conditions are) and organise how you want things to be done.  This can be considered in mind of a potential illness or accident which you may recover from, or which you will need for longer term care and support, or indeed when considering the event of death.  You can direct where funds and property go and who has access to them.  In our experience, what is worse than having to consider all these things, is when you did not. 


Most of us have had experiences within our personal worlds of sudden injury, news of illness or of incidents that leave children orphaned or families changed.  We have too.  We have seen and experienced the devastating consequences that followed where no directions or plans had yet been made.  You can not take away from how tough this can be to navigate.  Planning ables everyone to live their best life even in the worst of circumstances.


Financial planning, estate planning and healthcare planning are available to you through our network of experts.  Your Will, life assurances, investments and assets can be used protect you and your property. 


Here is some more information on Living Wills / Advance Decisions from


What is the best gift you have ever been given?  (See article on FB page Tipi Wills & Mediation)  We know it can be hard, even upsetting to consider all these things.  So, think of this, a little bit effort now will be nothing compared to what would be needed if something did happen without your guidance in place.  We guide you to ensure you have plans in place in place, and if needed, spread your plan over a few months to spread the cost.


Dont forget, life and circumstances change and documents may need to be updated.  It is easy to contact us, discuss.  Where possible we can simply update and amend your documents and plans for an admin fee.  For example, you cannot amend an original signed Will (and you must not do so for risk of invalidating it!) but if property address details need changing only, tell us and we can amend and send you a fresh copy of your Will for signing.  Each individual circumstance will be looked at.

Be in control.  Be Certain

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You will receive a Will Storage Card after you have completed your Will and any other documents created with us.  This is business card size so that it can be stored in your purse or wallet.  It is unfortunately common for there to be a Will but no Will can be found.  Please ask if you would like more than one card.

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